Wednesday, December 17, 2008

South Asia a short history by Hugh Tinker


  1. I don't understand why now the soil is fertile
  2. I think that the famine was due to the vigorous eating.
  3. The tribes don't know how to maintain food.
  4. I don't like the fact that there is nowhere to go they are fully isolated.
  5. My dream is to find the best sculpture in south asia.


  1. Why int eh world are there only 5 tribes now?
  2. Are these the maint tribes?
  3. How many tribes aren't we trying to see?
  4. The agricultural stying is very weak?

3vocab words:

  1. termoil:convulsion: a violent disturbance; pg140
  2. refuge:safety: a safe place.pg142
  3. terrain:It lies southeast from Cebu and Negros across Cebu Strait (in some references called Bohol Strait ...pg144

2literary terms:

  1. similie: "The fact that there is only little to eat unlike the food we ate last winter, then it was larsge now it is little.pg137
  2. Metaphor:"I which we follow the burrow we are white streams".pg133

1overview: The food is scarce now the people are coming together to the make the best of their living status.

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