Sunday, February 1, 2009

Phones and the human body by:John Brooks


  1. The phone si the undefining use of life.
  2. The phone is used daily and frepuently.
  3. It has been proven that all the symptoms of regaining the phones will lead to furthering cancer.
  4. I think there really will be a way to depict cancer.
  5. There is an awesome response to the phones and the outside world.


  1. Is there a oncologist to determine this kind og cancer in the brain?
  2. Does the cancer start off as a tumor?
  3. Can there really be a turn on the outer proper cell phone use?
  4. Is there really a definite chance of cancer more on the dominant side you use or phone on?


  1. cell phone-call up by using a cellular phone.pg100
  2. Depicts-to describe in words.pg117
  3. valves-Any of various devices that regulate the flow of gases, liquids, or loose materials through piping or through apertures by opening, closing, or obstructing ports or passageways.pg127

2literary terms:

  1. Simile:"The way in which the cellphone is activated it acts like a uniqe gene."pg97
  2. Metaphor:"Respondindg in a way odf there is a new chance of cellphone use arising."p89

1overview sentence:

The phone and the human body become more connected and there are and is actual use of a cellpone burning the human body and actually giving it cancer on the dominant side of use.

Phones and the human body by:John Brooks


  1. There is a continous change in the telephone use making.
  2. How many phones are there world wide
  3. I think it depends on the modle phone you have which determines whether or not there would be a change in your depicticy.
  4. Is there really a change in the environment
  5. Can phones disrupt the environment?


  1. I wonder what takes place when you answer a call?
  2. How do you use a bluetooth?
  3. Isn't ist worse if you use a bluetooth since the phone is like directly on your ear?
  4. I think the phone is a very wonderful source?


  1. manuscript-A book, document, or other composition written by hand.pg13
  2. amnage-The case of determing.pg34
  3. time consuming- consuming interest; a consuming passion.pg35

2literary terms:

  1. Simile:"The end results are like so tempting roars."pg120
  2. Metaphor:"End creasing is downthe earth and is traveling eastward.

1overview:The phone depicts the world and is a satisfying substance until it takes over your life.