Friday, March 27, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

  1. Annete seems like she uses food as a mending drug.
  2. I think its rude that Annetes mother would feed her child raccoon soup if she knew that was Annetes pet.
  3. I wonder why Annetes family is always moving.
  4. Just because it is someones birthday doesnt mean you have to spend money on a luxury gift. It is not worth piling in debt for.
  5. How daoes the family take care of their debt?


  1. Why does Annete want her mother to get another husband?
  2. Does Annetes' father really behave that way when it comes to white people?
  3. Why is straight hair an enemy to all colored women?
  4. Is it really a mistake when you have a child at the age of 30 or is it just the circumstances they are living in that are just not well to welcome a child?

3vocabulary words:

  1. adolescence-the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood.pg3
  2. brooding-sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body.pg5
  3. abuses-mistreat: treat badly.pg7

2literary terms:

  1. Simile-"First, he looked me up and down, bobbing his head like a rooster."pg1
  2. Imagery-"He was a heavy set man with copper-colored skin and sparkling brown eyes that looked out of place on his wide, flat, heavily lined face."pg1

1overview- Annete is the speaker in the first two chapters I have read. She does not have any real friends she can confide in and is really on the verge of binging to death.