Tuesday, December 16, 2008

South Asia a short history by Hugh Tinker

Chapter 8
  1. I don't like the combinations that the people in tribes use.
  2. I think I know the most dominant tribe.
  3. I dont like how there is hardly no communication between families.
  4. I dont like how this book lacks personal interest.
  5. I wonder why there are no maids to help with the heirachy.

4 questions:

  1. What in the world was the woman thinking when they took over?
  2. Didn't they think they would get killed?
  3. How in the woerld did they build the courage to start their own woman tribe?
  4. was there a secret cobe between tribes?


  1. recipiants:means the needy persons receiving commodities for household consumption.pg122
  2. mandate:a document giving an official instruction or command .pg123
  3. lines:Lines can refer to a poem .pg123

2literary terms:

  1. imagery:"The begginimng of the last purple skies acame along."pg120
  2. foreshadowing:"The meaning of everlasting love" The tribes were going to come together.

1oveview sentence:

The time when the tribes forget thier diiferences and their was a new all combined tribe of one.

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