Tuesday, December 16, 2008

South Asia a short history by Hugh Tinker

  1. The way that the story is begginig to get in more detail draws my eye.
  2. I like the way that the authour uses words and photos to sa what he actually means.
  3. The fact that I can relate to this history is amazing.
  4. I love this chapter.
  5. I don't think the the men in tibes ever let woman hunt.


  1. The way that the woman were dressed are they alays dressed that way?
  2. Is the weaving thick or thin?
  3. How in the world is the new challenges harder than the ones before.
  4. Can their be a specific way to hunt?


  1. Companion:
  2. Relations:
  3. independent:

2literary terms:

  1. similie:"The woman worked as slaves."pg129
  2. imagery:"The entering of the woman is the dark shadow that comes in the darkness".pg172


The woman are treated to be the care takers of children and men.

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