Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Chp4-6Dont kiss them Good bye by:Allison Dubois

  1. wow she helps with the the missing children.
  2. I wonder how many times it takes to get a lead.
  3. There is another way to do the investigation.
  4. I know now that it is not so easy to figure out a case.


  1. How long does it actually take to solve an investigation?
  2. Is there always a dent in the road when it comes to having to get a lead in an invetstgation?
  3. Is knowing more of a consequence?
  4. I dont understand why she becomes so attached to her victims?

3vocabulary wrds:

  1. relinquish-release: part with a possession or right.pg45
  2. noting-widely known and esteemed.pg43
  3. inprisoning-lock up or confine, in or as in a jail.pg46

2literary terms:

Metaphor-"My victinm is merely a stepping raod when it comes to the investigation."pg34

Similie- "It is like your my destiney and the criminal is just a figmet of my imagination."

1overview:Allison is begging to use her gift by generally solving investigations and using her powers for good."pg44

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