Monday, October 13, 2008

Maya Angelou Singin' and Swingin' and Gettin' merry like Christmas


chapters 1-3
It seems that Marguerite wants to fond tthe worst in Louise.

a flashback in history: Whites were constant in our history as the seasons and as the unfamiliar as affluence..pg7

character had a flashback of when she worked in San Diego in a house of prosttuition.

the author (main character is very well educated and has a unique way of words.

The character had a flashback of the church she visted at a young age church (chrirstisn methodist epicopal church.)
why does the author spell her name Marguerite(marg-you-rite) repeatedly?pg3

Why does Mauguerite think a white women Louise is her freind out of pity?pg4

Why would Marguerite take a job where she is going to feel uncomfortable?pg8

why does Marguerite view white people as bible cluthers?pg8

3 vocab words

Seminously-somewhat concerning ominous manner. pg14

Unnerve-disturb the composure of pg11

sermon-an address of a religious nature. pg13

2 literary terms
Simile- the music fitted me like a tailor made clothes.pg3

forshadowing-the characters may go to Church.pg13
1 overview sentence:
It seems thaat Maurgerite is getting very close too getting a new job and providing more for her family.

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