Sunday, April 19, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

  1. she is so naive to think that Noel is really her friend.
  2. She is stupid for going into that house.
  3. Noel seems like a better frind than most of mines.
  4. I dont like when they portray characters to be perfect when they are not.
  5. This does not seem like the end of her molestation;

  1. what is the ending of molestation feel like?
  2. How did Annete feel when her supposed boyfriend did not actually want to be with her?
  3. Did her Heart feel broken inside?
  4. Did she feel klike killin herself?

3vocabulary words:

  1. aphrodisiac-a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire.pg266
  2. handle-To have a grasp.pg288
  3. paddle-propel with a paddle; "paddle your own canoe.pg297
    2literary terms:

Imagery-"Her blood streamed down her legs."pg277

metaphor-"The way we live our life is nothing compared to a pedistool". 273
1overview sentence:There was a suuden end in moving the way Annete felt when she finally realised nobody felt like as if they wanted to be with her forver in a day.

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