Saturday, April 25, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

part of chpter52
  1. There must be a new way to describe the way Annete is feeling.
  2. I dont buy that she she is always happy Rhoda must have an inside.
  3. There must be a way where Rhoda could be compared to Annette in a nice way
  4. They are total opposites when it comes to appearence
  5. They are evn closer when it comes to their indside.


  1. Why doesn't Annete feel beautiful?
  2. Can their be any hope for her?
  3. What new character would appear or be mentioned next?
  4. Can there be a new way to be approcached than how Rhoda was?

3vocabulary words:

  1. exhilarating-making lively and cheerful; "the exhilarating effect of mountain air".pg280
  2. ponder-chew over: reflect deeply on a subject; "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"; "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for ..."pg264
  3. wrench-twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates; "wrench a window off its hinges"; "wrench oneself free from somebody's grip"; "a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest".pg248

2literary terms:

Imagery:"The deepness is a s deepness as the sea and the ending of disputes begin."

Metaphor:"My mother is an enclosed drawr she is only taken out whenever someone gives her a ride"
1overviewsentence:Annetes mother is suddenly becoming more cautious of her daughter and she is realsiing what Mr.Boatwright has been doing to Annete and other girls as well.

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe


  1. I like the way that the author is making somewhat Annete feel like she is a women.
  2. It is wonderful how you can change a charcter in a certain way they speak or what they dress.
  3. That is outrageously cool, I wonder if you can always do that?
  4. I woulld never sell my body if I had to feed my children like Annete did that is just something else.


  1. What did Annete feel like when her mother went with Scary Mary to the crack house/whore house?
  2. Is there another way to complain ?
  3. Whay did Mary Monroe want the man character to be Annete?
  4. Is there certain someone that Annete has her eye on?
  5. Will she ever find love.. That sure would be a mystery wouldn't it?

3vocabulary words:

  1. mystery-something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained; "how it got out is a mystery"; "it remains one of nature's secrets".pg323
  2. love-a strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love".pg315
  3. height-the vertical dimension of extension; distance from the base of something to the top .pg317

2literary terms:

Imagery-"Her evr sensing lips are red and shivering with thin cold sores."pg343

simile-"It is like the sense of mind when it comes to thinkin about you."pg342
1overviewsentence:Annete may have found love or not it all depnds on the last mind of her essence. It is all what would become of her and her friendship with Rhoda now that she is gone.

Friday, April 24, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

chapter 52
  1. Rhoda seems like she would be a good friend.
  2. I dont like how Annete just lists her past "friends".
  3. It annoys me when people go on and on about making sacrifrices and how they want a better life.
  4. Well at least your living whan tis there to be happy about... absolutely nothing.
  5. I dont remeber the last time I considered somenone to be my best friend.


  1. Why Annette list her friends?
  2. Does She like to remember her past relationships?
  3. How does Annete feel now that nobody wants her?
  4. Is their any way to ever really be safe?

3vocabulary words:

  1. automatic-operating with minimal human intervention; independent of external control; "automatic transmission"; .pg259
  2. windy-blowy: abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes; "blowy weather"; "a windy bluff".pg238
  3. harp-a chordophone that has a triangular frame consisting of a sounding board and a pillar and a curved neck; the strings stretched between the neck ...pg254

2literary terms-

  1. Imagery:"Her sandals were wooden brown I like dthe feeling of having the color brown surrounding me all over."pg234
  2. metaphor:"The everlasting admiroation is when the sun tumbles down in a shrifting move.pg275

1overview sentence: The fact that The city is getting more windy and full of synthetic sounds they wander through it is really amazing.

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

  1. Caleb seems like a nice guy.
  2. He is sort of creepy though the way he just snuck in the house and everything was weirdd eww.
  3. I kind of dont undertand why they called Rhoda ms.thing.
  4. I find that kind of insulting in a way.
  5. Can you ever fins another word other than fantastic.. guess not.


  1. Why they compare Rhoda to Annette?
  2. Is there always a way to put Annettte down for her weight?
  3. How in the world is there ever a tense moment?
  4. Why is the skunk also compared to Annette?

3vocabulary words:

  1. ugly-displeasing to the senses; "an ugly face"; "ugly furniture".pg367
  2. humid-containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor; "humid air"; "humid weather".pg368
  3. muggy-hot or warm and humid; "muggy weather"; "the steamy tropics"; "sticky weather".pg370

2literary terms:

  1. Imagery:"Rhoda was model tall and model skinny with a blue dress and matching purse.pg372
  2. Simile-"No matter how many times I washed mines it still came out like pale yellow.pg371

1overview: There is a time when I just get so enraged when two girls are compared together in a story it just makes an ugly sound to me somewhat close to jealousy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe


  1. It seems like Annete can do anything to get her way wiht Mr. Boatwright.
  2. I think it is stupid that Annete's mother doesnt notice anything wrong in her house.
  3. I hate the way that Rhoda is described.
  4. There is someone that always has to hate on someones hair.


  1. How does Annete finally see that she can lure him?
  2. Is there a certain way that Mr.Boatwright likes Annete or is he just using her for pleasure?
  3. Why Mr.Boatwright get upset when Annete get s tapped inappropriately by a bean worker?
  4. Does he think that it was her fault?

3vocabulary words:

  1. exasperation-aggravation: an exasperated feeling of annoyance.pg275
  2. humble-low or inferior in station or quality; ".pg287
  3. spreading-spread: process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space .pg299

2literary terms:

Metaphor-"This is the sensation of when I was a child."pg288

Simile-"Containing in the way of the time like a machine gone wrong."pg264


It is a continuing annoyance when there is the samething going on in every chapter I just cant stand it PLEASE seriouly give me something new blah blah blah!

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe


  1. The way that Annete treated her friend was so wrong.
  2. I wonder how the hospital treated her mother.
  3. There was a sudden time when blacks were treated how they treated her mother.
  4. There could be many more times when people are going to treat Annete like she is not worthy.
  5. Are there some people who feel like Noel?


  1. What did the poridge smell like?
  2. How did the soup taste like?
  3. Were there any times when Annete just wanted to dye?
  4. What does it feel like to be wanted?

3vocabulary words-

  1. hurt-ache: be the source of pain.pg301
  2. heart felt-dear: earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences".pg377
  3. Fallen- having dropped by the force of gravity.pg302

2literary terms-

  1. Metaphor-"I am the sun as is my ,mother."pg244
  2. Simile-"The aching pain is desirable to me like a wave of streams."pg233

1overview-I suddnly know that Annte is going to be okay but she is having some sort of a break down.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

  1. she is so naive to think that Noel is really her friend.
  2. She is stupid for going into that house.
  3. Noel seems like a better frind than most of mines.
  4. I dont like when they portray characters to be perfect when they are not.
  5. This does not seem like the end of her molestation;

  1. what is the ending of molestation feel like?
  2. How did Annete feel when her supposed boyfriend did not actually want to be with her?
  3. Did her Heart feel broken inside?
  4. Did she feel klike killin herself?

3vocabulary words:

  1. aphrodisiac-a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire.pg266
  2. handle-To have a grasp.pg288
  3. paddle-propel with a paddle; "paddle your own canoe.pg297
    2literary terms:

Imagery-"Her blood streamed down her legs."pg277

metaphor-"The way we live our life is nothing compared to a pedistool". 273
1overview sentence:There was a suuden end in moving the way Annete felt when she finally realised nobody felt like as if they wanted to be with her forver in a day.

God Dont Like Ugly by:Mary Monroe

  1. I wonder what is going to happen to Annete
  2. I wonder how old is Mr.Boatwright
  3. There is alot of foreshadowing
  4. I felt bad when Annete was refusing to do the things that Mr. Boat wright likes
  5. How many times is mr. Boatwright going to bother Annete.


  1. How many times is Caleb going to get Annte's attention?
  2. Does Mr.Boatwright like attention?
  3. What does atention give?
  4. What would one person do if they did not earn attention?

3vocabulary words:

  1. yonder-at or in an indicated (usually distant) place .pg157
  2. ponder-chew over.pg176
  3. Attention-the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others .pg190

2literary terms:

  1. Metaphor-"I thought the time was a fairy tale."pg200
  2. Simile-"The times we spent were unbareablely bad like a fire gone wrong."pg236

1overview sentence:Basically was about how some people lure for attention the wroung way from others and how it can get the better of people.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God dont like Ugly by:mary Monroe

  1. It was heart trembling when Annete was getting molested and she didnt even know it.
  2. She was hurt so badly when the man forced upon her, she felt so vunnerable it was so sad.
  3. I wanted to feel like Annete was just going to tell her mother that she was molested.
  4. It was sad when the little Annete was bleeding and didnt know why.
  5. Every time Annete is molested she must feel so alone.


  1. Will Annete ever tell her mom?
  2. Is there another way to tell Annetes' mom that she is getting molested?
  3. Does Anntes mom suspect anything?
  4. Why wont Annetes mom be with someone who really loves her?

3vocabulay words:

  1. heskedpg140:
  2. humongouspg134:
  3. partclespg135:

2literary terms:

  1. Similepg126:The rushed down like a waterfall.
  2. Metaphorpg136:The steam is my mom getting to my every move.

1overview Sentence:

  1. Annete is molested at age seven and doesn't even understand what is happening to her.