Sunday, February 1, 2009

Phones and the human body by:John Brooks


  1. There is a continous change in the telephone use making.
  2. How many phones are there world wide
  3. I think it depends on the modle phone you have which determines whether or not there would be a change in your depicticy.
  4. Is there really a change in the environment
  5. Can phones disrupt the environment?


  1. I wonder what takes place when you answer a call?
  2. How do you use a bluetooth?
  3. Isn't ist worse if you use a bluetooth since the phone is like directly on your ear?
  4. I think the phone is a very wonderful source?


  1. manuscript-A book, document, or other composition written by hand.pg13
  2. amnage-The case of determing.pg34
  3. time consuming- consuming interest; a consuming passion.pg35

2literary terms:

  1. Simile:"The end results are like so tempting roars."pg120
  2. Metaphor:"End creasing is downthe earth and is traveling eastward.

1overview:The phone depicts the world and is a satisfying substance until it takes over your life.

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