Monday, January 26, 2009

Phones and the human body by:John Brooks


  1. I will think twice before over using my phone.
  2. The side you regularly speak on the phone you are most likely to recieve cancer on.
  3. Obviously you do not want at all to get cancer from using a phone securely to your body it all depends on the depth of your grasp and the telephone.
  4. It is most likely that radiation from your phone most likely cellphones can interact with your body and the amount of sleep you gain.
  5. You end up with sllep deprvation from high phone use daily.


  1. Does text messaging limit the duration of exposure and the proximity to your body?
  2. Should children be allowed to use phones?
  3. How long should you wait before putting your phone to your ear to limit the amount of electromagnetic feilds?
  4. What public health services help cellphone users?

3vocabulary words:

  1. pathologist-diagnostician: a doctor who specializes in medical diagnosis.pg47
  2. oncologist-a specialist in oncology.pg50
  3. duration-the period of time during which something continues.53

2literary terms:

Simile:"Electro magnetic feilds act as wave lenghts that pick up signals through your body."pg40

Imagery:"What is determined when the gray wave lenghts measure in and out of your body."pg55


The telephone can and should be answered when the correspondent has picked up the call and the reciever should use a hands free device such as a bluetooth in order to limit the amount of electromagnetic feilds that are permeable to your body.

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